
Please consider partnering with us by supporting Immanuel Lutheran School and its wonderful programs with your gift. There are several ways you can donate:

Option 1

Try our online giving program powered by PushPay.  Go to  Select the fund listed, “School (where needed most).”

Option 2

Join us for weekend worship and put your donation in the offering plate, with a note that it is for the school. 

Option 3

Drop off or mail your offering to the church office, with a note that it is for the school.

Every gift received helps a child grow both in academics and in faith, to grow Christ’s Kingdom and to fulfill the mission and vision for Immanuel:

Our Mission

The mission of Immanuel Lutheran School is to partner with families to equip children for life-long learning and service through a rigorous academic program in a nurturing, Christ-centered environment.

Our Vision

The vision of Immanuel Lutheran School is to nurture the child, spiritually and academically, equipping each child to be a responsible, effective citizen for life.